Tuesday, December 05, 2023


It's better to try, it's better to do something than do nothing at all. A positive something is 100x better than negative nothing. Just show up even if you're already late, pass the assignment even if it's not complete, say sorry even if you don't mean it, say I love you even if you're scared. Just try, just do it because there's no harm in trying. 

Apply for a job even if you're not qualified, ask for a raise even if your boss hates you, ask for a girl's number even if you're ugly AF. Just do it, you will only get it if you will move, you will only win if you try. 

Let's condition your mind the right way, read stories that will make your mind more powerful, visit these badass sites: ruggedbreed.blogspot.com ika815.blogspot.com 3rdwind.blogspot.com

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