Tuesday, July 04, 2023


If you can't win after trying so so hard so be it. If life is unfair so be it, if you're not given equal opportunity so be it. Life is not really fair and you have to accept it, what is unacceptable is you're acting like a chicken and making dramas all the time instead of trying again. You have to stand up and try again, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, avoid hoping and just push yourself to the limits. Making dramas and acting like a victim is for weak people, it's for losers. You are not a loser if you're still trying so just do whatever you can do to put yourself on a better position to succeed, use all of your energy, be tenacious enough to withstand any kind of storm and still keep pushing until the end. You will only win if you don't give up, that's the truth. It is hard but it is always possible, stop acting like a bum, stop acting like it is the end of the world and go back to the grind. Hustle like you never before, go to the extreme and challenge yourself to keep going further as much as you can. It ain't over til it's over, while you're still alive you still have a very big chance of winning. So stop acting like a victim and go back to the basics, go back to the starting line and start moving again. 

Let's condition your mind the right way, read stories that will make your mind more powerful, visit these badass sites: ruggedbreed.blogspot.com ika815.blogspot.com 3rdwind.blogspot.com