Saturday, January 01, 2022


Most people were so excited about new year because they thought their lives were going to change. This is the wrong perspective that most people have... they think that their lives will change in an instant, they think that having a new year's resolution is the solution for their problems. The truth is 99 percent of the people around the world didn't change after new year, they have the same habits last year. 

Change is not a wish, it's not a dream, it's not a one time thing. It's pain, it's process, it's a forever commitment. If you really want to change then guard your actions 24 hours a day and stop doing nonsense bullshits. You have to set a goal and do it no matter what, get it even if it's too hard. Make no excuses, make no promises... just do it. New year's resolution is a scam, it can never change anyone. You can change at anytime of the year, all it takes is the willingness to face the stress. Because there is no change without resistance and stress, you have to face the pain of taking actions and never ever give up. 

Let's condition your mind the right way, read stories that will make your mind more powerful, visit these badass sites: