Sunday, October 29, 2023


Don't get jealous, let them win, be happy for them, if you can't be happy then just accept it and move one. Never care about it, never drag people down, never feel bitter, let them win. Even your enemies, let them win. Taking it personally will only burn you or break you down. Accept it even if they don't deserve it. Don't compete with them, compete against yourself, did you get better? will you get better if you're backstabbing or hating them? just let it go, don't take it seriously. Everybody can win, everyone is entitled of winning whether they deserve it or not, it all depends on them the if they're happy after winning. Some people were not happy because they knew they don't deserve it. Anyway just let them be, let them celebrate while you chase your new journey. 

Let's condition your mind the right way, read stories that will make your mind more powerful, visit these badass sites: