Wednesday, October 23, 2024


You're stuck in the past that's why you can't make a progress, that's why you're always depressed and can't improve in life. You have to start living now, stay in the moment, be present and keep pushing yourself to get better. You will never witness a new experience if you keep on thinking about the past, if you're full of regrets and not wanting to move forward. Regrets is just a state of mind, it's just a lesson, if you don't want any more regrets in the future then you need to force yourself to get better now and do what you are afraid to do, do what you hate to do but is beneficial, do what is hard and face your fears. What is done is done, let it go because it will never help you at all, it will make you stuck forever. Life is waiting for you, yo can learn something, you can improve, you can get richer, you can be faster, it's all up to you. You need to  be fast, start whenever you don't want to start, force yourself to think differently, something that is far from your old state of mind. Create a new mindset, create some new thought patterns that will force you to become motivated and hard working. Whenever you find yourself thinking about the past again, stop it, stop your thoughts, force your mind to entertain a new thought, visualize your future, visualize a new you. This is hard but a simple process, you just need to stop dwelling on the past and start becoming the best version of yourself. Because past will never give you anything, stop daydreaming like a victim, stop trying to change the past because it will only make you powerless and depressed, there is nothing you can do about it anymore, all you can do is embrace the present moment and appreciate what you have. So start this day with a new perspective, be happy and feel free, you feel stuck in the past because you keep remembering it, if you want to feel free then always treat this day as a new day, expect the best but don't get so attached with your expectation. Be better, work harder and be positive all the time. Life is waiting for you, success and greatness is all yours, you just need to claim it and own it. 

Let's condition your mind the right way, read stories that will make your mind more powerful, visit these badass sites: